Are you treated equally? If you’ve read the recent issues of First News, you’ll know that equality is a big issue at the moment. We’ve heard all about the adults’ points of view, so now we’d like to hear what you think about how girls and boys are treated. Are you treated the same? Are there times when it’s ever okay not to be? We want to get your opinions so that we can share them with First News readers and website users, and get an idea of how Britain’s boys and girls see things. What gender are you? Do you think boys and girls are treated the same? a) By other pupils? Yes No b) By teachers? Yes No c) By parents? Yes No Comments: Do you ever hear sexist comments about you or your friends, like “Don’t be such a girl” or “Boys shouldn’t cry”? Yes No Comments: Should boys and girls have the same school uniform choices? Yes No Comments: Who are judged more on their looks: boys, girls, or both the same? Boys Girls Both the same Your answer and any comments: Should boys and girls always be treated the same? Yes No Your answer and any comments: There is a phrase, “ladies first”, when a man stands back to let a woman pass first. Is this good manners, or out of date? Your answer and any comments: Become a First News spokesperson Yes, I'd like to be a First News spokesperson and I have my parent's/guardian's permission Your name Your age Your parent/guardian's email address Your parent/guardian's telephone number Submit Thanks for completing our survey. Thanks, your voice has been heard!